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Free speech

Speaking, exchanging, bearing witness is the first way to  serenity.

No longer be ashamed, no longer feel alone and misunderstood, break taboos and reverse the trend by freeing yourself from this weight ... This is what we offer you to do by sharing your stories too. 

Jonnhy Mairy
Author and AFTOC member

After suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. That day was for me a victory and a revenge on life. If I was able to defeat the knockouts, you too can.


Audrey Gonet
Author and AFTOC member

How to live on a daily basis with severe and resistant OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)? This mental prison is considered by many to be benign. It is not so. This testimony tells you about the obstacle course that a patient and her family suffering from this disease must lead. In recent years, enormous progress has been made thanks to the great determination of the medical profession. The author invites all people and their loved ones to discover the trials and adventures that are sometimes more than unusual linked to OCD, which can make you either laugh or cry.

Pour commander le livre de Marine BOURGEOIS n'hésitez pas à contacter l' auteure directement sur Facebook.

Audrey Gonet
Author and AFTOC member


My name is Audrey Gonet, I live in Reims and I will be 40 years old in November 2021. I have had OCD since I was around 10 years old. I was followed for a long time by psychiatrists in Reims but no one has ever put a name on my illness. At the dawn of my 30s

years ago, I decided to get in touch with leading specialists on

OCD in Paris, because I no longer have a life, I hardly ever leave my home and I am wasting away. I then start Therapy

Compormental and cognitive (CBT) in Vincennes and for 5 years, I take heavy drug treatments. I am making some progress but the disease is too ingrained in me, I no longer have OCD but ROCS (Disorders  Obsessive, Compulsive, Resistant). I have been on sick leave for almost 2 years (I am  decorator in a large DIY store) and I take the opportunity to write a book on my illness (“Mum, my room is badly tidy… the hell of OCD” Edilivre editions in 2017). I am then offered to participate in a

research protocol: a DBS (Deep Cerebral Stimulation) and I accept because for me it is: either this brain operation, or I stop living. So I was operated on in April 2017 and now I live with two electrodes implanted in my brain and an electrostimulator in the abdomen. My life is changing. This operation is far from magic because I continue the CBT, the drugs and the efforts on a daily basis but now I live ...  The newspapers L'Union & L'ardennais question Audrey who tells us about her OCD 

Stefanie Clerget
Short film

This video traces my life journey as a person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders more commonly known as "Knocks". She is above all to support the suffering people who very often find it difficult to put words and words on their disease but especially to try to explain with simple words that everyone can hear ... She is all too often difficult to perceive and understand for "average" people. The view of society towards mental illness can change if we put words and images on each suffering.

Stefanie Clerget
Collective testimony of the visible human

This video belongs to a larger report that we are carrying out, within our thematic series "Around the psyche": here on the representations around the terms "anxiety disorders" Between stress, specific anxiety, anxiety attack, generalized anxiety, hypochondria, panic disorder, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Diogenes Syndrome etc.

Elsa Heyl
Collective testimony of the visible human

"Break the taboos!" "Anxiety disorders: OCD without visible compulsion" Inside view # 3: Elsa

Elsa Heyl
Toc Pure O YouTube Channel

This video belongs to a larger report that we are carrying out, within our thematic series "Around the psyche": here on the representations around the terms "anxiety disorders" Between stress, specific anxiety, anxiety attack, generalized anxiety, hypochondria, panic disorder, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Diogenes Syndrome etc.

Audrey Gonet est atteinte de Troubles obsessionnels compulsifs (TOC) sévères et résistants depuis l’enfance. Après un livre autobiographique sur cette maladie, paru en 2017, la Rémoise lance sa chaîne Youtube pour livrer des anecdotes sur son vécu et ainsi sensibiliser le grand public à cette pathologie trop souvent tournée en dérision.

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