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Humanist hypnosis

Humanist Hypnosis offers a stimulating and rich vision of life, supported by a very specific hypnotic approach. It allows the person guided in this form of hypnosis - not to dive passively into unconsciousness - but to actively open up to more consciousness ... A real "other dimension" of herself: her capital Consciousness.

Humanist Hypnosis straddles the so-called "
  humanists  "(Like Gestalt, the person-centered approach, modern hypnotherapy, etc.) and so-called"  transpersonal “. It constitutes a hybrid between European psychotherapy, focused on a search for an understanding of deep, unconscious mechanisms, and American brief therapy, which acts concretely and allows rapid results.

Humanistic hypnosis is used on many aspects of personal life. She is a great support for problems like stress, depression, OCD, lack of self-confidence. But it can also be an accompaniment in the physical pain and the reinforcement of the immune defenses. We can also use humanist hypnosis to go through the difficulties of life such as mourning, separation, disappointment that is difficult to overcome. Finally, it helps to change habits that harm the body such as addictions or food compulsions. Between coaching and therapy, she is a great ally in personal development.

Thanks to the enlarged consciousness from which she benefits in Humanist Hypnosis, the person "becomes aware" of what is stuck in her; she can then describe it to the therapist, who will tell her how to remedy it on her own, during the session.

The therapist therefore no longer intervenes himself "on" the person. There is no interference or manipulation (even “therapeutic”). The person does not have to let go or let go, as in other forms of hypnosis. The therapist is a guide and teacher, who instructs and helps the person so that he performs by himself the psychological exercises that will lead him to change, in complete autonomy.

Humanist Hypnosis therefore does not use the usual tools of "classic" or "Ericksonian" hypnosis (suggestions, subliminal techniques, confusion, etc.), since they only serve to further dissociate the person (depotentialize the conscious) and give the therapist the “strings” for change.

The person being in "state of increased consciousness", he would not let himself be done anyway. On the contrary, it is she who will "take back the helm" of her life and will be able to unravel or rebuild what must be.

This implies a completely different way of working in hypnosis: thanks to the inductions "in opening", we can access the deep psychology of the person (symbology, archetypes, etc.) and we no longer address only the Unconscious but also to the higher Consciousness or “capital Consciousness” of the person.

This Consciousness with a capital letter is not magic  : it is this which lets you know that you are dreaming, at night, while your conscious mind is asleep. It is again this, in dissociating hypnosis, which allows the person to "know" that he is in a state of hypnosis, even though he is nevertheless in a trance ...


The capital Consciousness is therefore the vector of change in Humanist Hypnosis. It is the upper layer of your mind, beyond the Unconscious and the conscious. This is the part of you that you identify with "I", ideally. What the Jungians would call the “Self”.

Humanist Hypnosis thus allows a global impact on the person, not only biological and emotional, but suddenly affecting all the layers of the person: from the body to the emotions, from the mind to your higher spirit ... "In your soul and  conscience ”.

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