TocToMe was born from an observation between several patients suffering from the disease and having an active role within the French Association of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders. Being ourselves confronted with the difficulty of finding the right therapy adapted to our own person, we wanted to widen the field of therapeutic possibilities which exist today.
Each person does not react in the same way depending on the therapies, we all have different needs and expectations due to our character, lifestyle, type of disorders…. Everyone should feel free to be able to choose their own direction according to their own needs. The road to recovery can be long, and therapy that is right for you can help you move forward with confidence.
Help patients and their families to better understand this disease by making available to them a variety of information on OCD offering testimonials from patients or ex-patients, expert articles (interviews with specialists), articles from the IOCDF (International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation) to inform them about the symptoms of the disease, the treatments, the progress of research, and to give them advice.
Get closer to other sufferers so that patients and their loved ones can meet other people affected by the pathology of OCD, share their experiences, listen to the testimonies of other participants and also bring their experience to others: find advice or support, help each other.
Connect with therapists through our list of online practitioners performing different therapies to let you choose what is right for you.
Inform the public and the medical profession about these disabling disorders, in order to detect them earlier and to promote their understanding and the adaptations they sometimes require.
Support, promote or participate in any action and research that can contribute to better care and the well-being of people in suffering.
This petition calls for better management of OCD by health services!
Your contribution (signature to a petition) is requested: a small militant act to try to make things happen!