The jobs of the psychologist
The psychiatrist is a doctor who has completed a specialization in psychiatry.
The Psychiatrist is above all a doctor. He therefore treats mental illnesses. Its role is prevention and relief for the patient. The psychiatrist makes sure that you are not a risk to yourself or to others. For this he resorts to drugs when necessary.
He is the only practitioner who can give you a prescription. The psychiatrist relieves but does not cure. The taking of drugs (antidepressant, anxiolytic ...) may be necessary in some cases and it is without guilt that we sometimes have to resolve to take them. This makes it possible to stabilize his psychic state and to be more able to start psychotherapy in parallel.
The psychologist can be called upon at any time of life. Depending on his specialty, he can receive children, adolescents, adults, couples or even families: this is called family therapy. The reasons for consultation are therefore numerous and specific to each individual. You can consult a psychologist to face a painful event such as the disappearance of a loved one, to prepare for an examination, to resolve a specific problem such as a phobia or insomnia, to regain self-confidence, to free oneself. from a traumatic memory, to improve relationships with others or to regain the energy to undertake new things. While the majority of psychologists are versatile and are therefore able to work on all types of problems, some specialize in solving specific problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder or depression. Generally speaking, the role of the psychologist is therefore to help his patient to have a better understanding of his problems and to regain a sense of well-being.
He supports in psychotherapy patients who seek to get to know themselves better, to go through a difficult moment, to get out of their suffering, to find meaning in their life or simply to take stock, to get better ...
The practice of psychotherapy thus turns out to be very different depending on whether the psychologist consulted is a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychoanalyst or psychopractor and according to the method in which he was trained (cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, humanist therapy, etc.).
However, the profession remains very diverse. Today, can thus carry the title of psychotherapist:
other doctors, on condition that they undergo additional training in psychopathology as well as a two-month internship in an institution
so-called "clinical" psychologists
certain psychoanalysts (registered in the directories of certain associations and having completed a two-month internship in an institution)
and some psychopractors
He supports in psychotherapy patients who seek to get to know themselves better, to go through a difficult moment, to get out of their suffering, to find a meaning in their life or simply to take stock, to get better ... The psychopractor has often been trained in private schools with a specific posture: psycho-organic analysis, gestalt, transpersonal therapy… Some psychopractors have been trained in several methods.
This is the new term to designate, since 2010, those who exercised psychotherapy but can no longer bear the title of psychotherapist according to the law.
Psychopractic is a term that groups together all the professions that use psychotherapy or alternative medicine (soft method of care) in order to treat a situation of discomfort, a relational difficulty, or a psychological, cognitive or behavioral disorder leading to the patient consulted.
The name of “psychopractor” succeeds that of “psychotherapist” which has become a reserved title1. In fact, the psychotherapist must have completed specific training to which he can only have access by holding a doctorate in medicine or a master's degree in psychology or psychoanalysis.
Conversely the psychopractor is a free job: anyone can claim it, as long as he exercises a recognized method of care dedicated to mental well-being.
The psychoanalyst refers to a therapist whose objective is to treat his patients using the psychoanalytic method invented by Sigmund Freud at the beginning of the 20th century. This psychotherapeutic practice aims to relieve patients by exploring their unconscious in order to help them resolve their psychological difficulties. It is through attentive listening to the word that the psychoanalyst offers an interpretation and leads his patient to work on himself. Psychoanalysts do not have an officially recognized diploma, but many of them are either psychiatrists or psychologists. More rarely, they can be philosophers or linguists for example.
The psychoanalyst is interested in our unconscious. Its role is to listen to the patient, to analyze his speech in order to understand its progress.
His personal history, his memories, his dreams and his emotions constitute the material from which the "work" is carried out.
Psychoanalysts offer two types of analysis: traditional psychoanalysis over several years and psychotherapies inspired by analytics, over shorter durations. Psychoanalysis explores the unconscious and brings certain events back to consciousness to resolve internal conflicts at the origin of the symptoms. Other theorists like Jung, Adler or Lacan have kept Freud's theories, but bringing new orientations or extending his reflection. Psychoanalysis is work that spans several years and requires involvement on the part of the analysand. The sessions should be regular, sometimes several times a week.